Vi er bekendt med Danske Regioners ”Fællesregionale principper for efteruddannelse og kompetenceudvikling af regionernes sundhedspersonale”.
Hvis du skal have tilladelse fra f.eks. din afdelingsleder til at deltage, beder vi dig venligst selv sikre dette.
Hvis du ønsker adgang til den fulde invitation som indeholder tilmeldings information, beder vi dig kontakte din afdelingsledelse, som har denne.
09.30 - 10.00: Registration and coffee
10.00 – 10.10: Welcome and introductions
Bue Juvik: Head of department, Zealand University Hospital
10.10 – 10.55: What´s new in pleural effusion?
Rahul Bhatnagar: Adjunct Professor, Academic Respiratory Unit, University of Bristol
Danish moderators:
Uffe Bødtger: Professor, Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, Zealand University Hospital
Markus Fally: Clinical Associate Professor, Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Bispebjerg
10.55 – 11.10: Coffee
11.10 – 12.00 What´s new in Pleural infection?
Eihab Bedawi: Pulmonologist, Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit, University of Oxford
Danish moderators:
Christian B. Laursen: Professor, Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital
René Horsleben Petersen: Professor, Dep. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Rigshospitalet
12.00 – 13.00: Lunch break
13.00 – 13.50: What´s new in pleural malignancy?
Rahul Bhatnagar: Adjunct Professor, Academic Respiratory Unit, University of Bristol
Danish moderators:
Karin Armbruster: Consultant, Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Katrine Fjællegaard: MD, Ph.d., Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, North Zealand Hospital
Vladimira Horvat: Consultant, Dep. of Clinical Oncology, Zealand University Hospital
13.50 – 14.05: Coffee
14.05 – 14.55:What´s new in pneumothorax?
Eihab Bedawi: Pulmonologist, Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit, University of Oxford Danish moderators:
Søren Helbo Skaarup: Consultant, Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital Stefan Posth: Clinical Associate Professor, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital
14.55 – 15.50: Panel discussion on the new BTS guideline and implications for Danish pleural care
15.50 – 16.00: Closing remarks
Katja Elise Hansen, e-mail to: Deadline: 23 February 2024
Participation and registration fee: Free of charge
Zealand University Hospital (ZUH) The Big Auditorium Vestermarksvej 16
4000 Roskilde