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Hvis du ønsker adgang til den fulde invitation som indeholder tilmeldings information, beder vi dig kontakte din afdelingsledelse, som har denne.


Fra Fredag, 27 Oktober 2023
Til Lørdag, 28 Oktober 2023

Kontakt : Kristine Christiansen,

Boehringer Ingelheim har sendt invitationer til alle regioner efter gældende regler, hvilket betyder, at du skal have tilladelse af din afdelingsleder til at deltage.

Program - Friday October 27th 2023

 Kl. 13.00 Registration and refreshments

Kl. 13.45 Welcome by Boehringer Ingelheim

SESSION 1: Lung infections

Chairs: Charlotte Suppli Ulrik & Charlotte Hyldgaard

Kl. 14.00 Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung dichotomy - acute and chronic infections
Claus Moser, Professor, overlæge, PhD. Dep. For Clinical Microbiology, Rigshospitalet, University hospital for Copenhagen and Costerton Biofilm Center, Institute for Immunology and Microbiology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Kl. 14.30 NTM pulmonary disease – a challenge for pulmonologists
Jakko van Ingen, MD, PhD. Consultant clinical microbiologist and Head of Mycobacteriology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Kl. 15.00 Bronchiectasis in 2023
Professor James D Chalmers, Asthma and Lung United Kingdom Chair of Respiratory Research, University of Dundee, United Kingdom.

Kl. 15.30 Discussion and Q&A

Kl. 16.00 Coffee break and hand out of room card (hotel check-in)

 SESSION 2: Oxygen, physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Chairs: Charlotte Suppli Ulrik & Charlotte Hyldgaard

Kl. 16.30 The role of oxygen therapy in severe respiratory disease
Magnus Ekstrøm, Senior consultant, Associate professor and Senior Lecturer, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergology and Palliative Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Kl. 17.00 What’s new in rehabilitation of obstructive and interstitial lung diseases
Prof. Martijn A. Spruit, PhD, MBA, Ciro Horn and Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Kl. 17.30 Challenges in the diagnosis and management of complex breathlessness
Stephen Fowler, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Manchester and NIHR-Manchester Biomedical Research Centre, United Kingdom

Kl. 18.00 Discussion and Q&A

Kl. 18.30 Check-in

Kl. 19.00 Drinks in front of the meeting room

Kl. 19.30 Dinner in the hotel restaurant

Program - Saturday October 28th 2023

SESSION 3: ILD and cystic diseases

Chairs: Elisabeth Bendstrup & Charlotte Hyldgaard

Kl. 08.30 Diffuse Cystic Lung Diseases
Dr Evelyn Lynn, Fellow in Rare & Interstitial Lung Disease, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Kl. 09.00 The Concept of Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis in autoimmune ILD and management consequences
Anna-Maria Hoffmann-Vold, Head of the strategic area of inflammatory and fibrotic diseases, Oslo University Hospital (MD PhD), Norway

Kl. 09.30 Genetics in ILD: cause, consequence and implementation
Coline van Moorsel, PhD, Head ILD-research St Antonius ILD center of excellence, The Netherlands

Kl. 10.00 Discussion and Q&A

Kl. 10.30 Coffee break

SESSION 4: Dyspnea investigation and cases

Chairs: Charlotte Suppli Ulrik & Charlotte Hyldgaard

Kl. 11.00 Basic investigation of dyspnea in cardiology
Kasper Rossing, overlæge, Heart center, Medical clinic for cardiology, Rigshospitalet University hospital for Copenhagen, Denmark

Kl. 11.30 Basic investigation of dyspnea inlung medicine
Ulla Møller Weinreich, MD, PhD, Interim Chief Physician at the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Aalborg University, Chairman of the Danish Respiratory Society, Denmark

Kl. 12.00 When basics isn’t enough – what to do?
Dyspnea Multidisciplinary team with four cases (15 min a case)

Kl. 13.00 Closing remarks from Boehringer Ingelheim Danmark A/S

Sted : HOTEL SCANDIC CPH STRANDPARK Amager Strandvej 401, 2770 Kastrup

Invitation: Lungeforum 2023
